Gospel of Loving Kindness

The path of Loving Kindness is to remember that our lives are connected to one another, that everyone matters and all life is precious.


This path is a simple religion. It needs no temples; it has no complicated doctrine. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple. It is the philosophy of spirit; the religion of loving kindness. One walks this path to embody love and light.

The path of Loving Kindness is to remember that our lives are connected to one another, that everyone matters and all life is precious. We are all related. Loving Kindness is a state of being one practices and cultivates in order to achieve Gnosis - the knowledge of spiritual truths to achieve salvation and enlightenment.

Master Yeshua, the Christ, walked the path of Loving Kindness. So did Buddha, Zoroaster, Moses and many other Masters. Through the spiritual disciplines these teachers became one with love and light.

The alchemy one needs to impact the world is to live the way of radical kindness. Love and Kindness are often confused. They are not niceness nor weakness. Kindness is strength. It is the gift to see good in everything in spite of what life brings our way. Kindness is speaking one’s truth. So hear this: something is seriously wrong with this moment in our lives. We, humankind, are not well. We have a sickness, a dis-ease of the spirit. For many years I asked Great Spirit to show me the cause of this illness.

I see clearly now how humanity abandoned the path of loving kindness in favor of other masters. The first step on this path of healing is to acknowledge we need to heal. May we find the kindness to be honest with ourselves. You’ll find this message is shared freely with anyone who wishes to receive it.

We may also call these Gospels the Sanatana Dharma. Sanatana is a Sanksirt word that means eternal and everlasting. Dharma means duty, religious duty, to sustain and that which is integral to something. Therefore, a person’s dharma consists of duties that sustain her or him, according to their innate characteristics. In many ways, it is our eternal duty to remain rooted in the natural law of loving kindness for the benefit of all beings and to sustain the balance of life on earth.

By its nature we find the Dharma - Dharma meaning truth - of Loving Kindness is…

  • God-centered rather than prophet-centered.

  • Experience based rather than belief based.

  • Beyond any historical date of founding.

  • The process of growth, which comes from the seed.

  • Inherent in, and inclusive of all.

  • In the world, while above the world.

  • Both immanent and transcendent.

  • The whole and the parts.

  • Loving of all life and excluding of none.

May humanity be filled with loving-kindness. May our children be cherished and protected. May our mother, the earth, be whole and healthy. May we all experience peace and well being.

The light within me sees and acknowledges the light within you. 🙏🏽 Namaste

Limited Edition NFT Collector Series

Holders of the Ohai Founders NFT will receive the rights to claim 1 limited edition, hand painted coffee table books. There will be 18888 printed. 9999 for the NFT community and the other 9999 will be held in reserve by the Loving Kindness Sanctuary for future auctions. Each book will be embedded with a ink that is encoded with encryption tied to the blockchain.

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