
The is an excerpt from my book "The Psychedelic Origin of Religion"


I’ve spent my whole life seeking answers to the questions: why am I here and why is the world upside down. On my journey of healing and discovery, God has thrown me to the wolves and into jail several times. I spent the ages of 17-23 becoming intimate with the justice system for simply trying to use medicine (marjiuana and psychedelics) which is now mostly legal or close to it. To avoid prison, I did what I was told, I straightened up and I became very “successful”. By 2019, I had it all: a million dollar penthouse apartment in San Francisco, a high six figure corporate job, a corporate expense account, a beautiful girlfriend, a fit bod and amazing friends. However inside, I was miserable as fuck.

Luckily I heard Grandmother Ayahuasca’s call to my spirit. I knew I needed to seek out the DMT-molecule of which I learned in college of its potential to make one see God. In the fall of 2019 I traveled to Cuenca, Ecuador to participate in my first ayahuasca retreat. My intention was to discover the purpose of my life because whatever I was doing wasn’t it. The gifts I received from the indigenous led ceremonies were some of the greatest gifts of my life. The first two ceremonies, Grandmother Ayahuasca and Grandfather San Pedro taught me the lesson of goodness and how I need to become a better person, a better brother, a better son, a better cousin, a better lover and a better friend. I realized I wasn’t ready to understand my true purpose because I had so much healing to do.

The third ceremony took place in the Temazcal (sweatlodge) for many hours. Indigenous sweat ceremonies typically take place in domed, circular lodges where rocks which have been heated in a fire for hours are brought into the lodge and cooled with water. Sweat lodge ceremonies have four rounds. Each round of the sweat is dedicated to one of the sacred directions, and the spirits and elements of that direction are honored in a prayer by those hosting the ceremony. The Conductor splashes water on the grandfather stones to create steam and fill the lodge with heat; as one sweats, impurities are taken from all the bodies. The Conductor is also responsible for controlling the energies within the lodge, and for keeping the participants safe while they are spiritually open and vulnerable.

Before we started this ceremony, we were offered the gift of taking cups of Ayahuasca and San Pedro and I naturally drank to my heart's content. Growing up in the Texas heat, I thought this ceremony would be a piece of cake. By the third round, I could barely catch my breath. I layed down and soon I drifted out of my body. In the vastness of space, I met with the Angels, Spirits and Ancestors.

During this time they asked me what I wanted and I told them I wished to learn how I could best be of service to my family, to my brothers and my sisters, I wished to understand how I could live a fulfilling and joyful life. And they proceeded to share with me many visions and instructions to fulfill this wish.

First they asked me, “Are you sure this is what you want?” I responded, “Yes, of course.” They said, “Be careful what you wish for.”

The Gods are not without a sense of humor.

The Ancestors showed me my past lives and then they gave me my to-do list:

  • Write and share teachings on the science of reincarnation.

  • Work to share the medicine plants with all the people

  • Make relations with the tribes of the North and the South

  • Create a new social network dedicated to healing the earth's oceans and forests.

It is a great joy of my life to share with you the first teaching of the science of reincarnation which involves learning the true origins of religion and the story of the master plant teachers.

I love you always with all my whole heart. Namaste

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