Sanctuary of Loving Kindness

The Sanctuary is a 501(8)(c)(a) non-profit religious organization that uses psychedelic sacraments in its religious ceremonies.

God said, "See, I give you every seed-bearing plant that is upon all the earth, and every tree that has seed-bearing fruit; they shall be yours for food" - Genesis 1:29

The Sanctuary of Loving Kindness welcomes people of all races, nationalities, religions, and lifestyles without prejudice. We believe ancient ways must be preserved, honored, and understood. In our fast-changing world spirituality is often overlooked, or masked behind so much dogma and doctrine, that spiritual connection can be compromised. The Sanctuary is here to bring our brothers and sisters together in sacred circles where we can heal and empower ourselves physically, spiritually, and emotionally through Creator’s bounty, and to deepen our connection to Mother Earth, she who is our Mother and our Temple, and who has so abundantly blessed and provided for us.


  • Anyone can become a member of the Sanctuary of Loving Kindness.

  • As a member, you are eligible to participate in a Healing Ceremony at the Sanctuary's Temple.

  • If you book a wellness retreat with Ohai, you will be asked to fill out a membership form during your retreat orientation.

In the United States, religious ceremonies using sacraments (plants and herbs) are protected by Constitutional Law from legal interference under the freedom of religion, even though many of those plants (peyote, cannabis, San Pedro, psilocybin, ayahuasca, etc.) have been controlled or made illegal to the general public by those who have desired the destruction of the indigenous culture and its blessings.


We are a community of individuals who are dedicated to exploring the spiritual dimensions of consciousness, and who believe that psychedelics can be powerful tools for personal and spiritual growth.

At the Sanctuary, we believe that psychedelics are sacred substances that have the potential to provide profound spiritual experiences and insights. We use psychedelics as part of our religious ceremonies and rituals, and believe that they can help us connect with the divine and the sacred.

The Sanctuary is an inclusive and welcoming community, and we welcome people of all religious and spiritual backgrounds. We believe that psychedelics can be a powerful tool for personal and spiritual growth, and that they can help us connect with the divine and the sacred in profound and meaningful ways.

We are committed to providing a safe and supportive environment for those who are interested in exploring the spiritual dimensions of consciousness through the use of psychedelics. We offer a range of religious ceremonies and rituals, and are dedicated to helping our members deepen their spiritual connections and experiences.

The Sanctuary is a unique and innovative organization that is at the forefront of the psychedelic spiritual movement. We are committed to exploring the spiritual dimensions of consciousness, and to helping our members connect with the divine and the sacred in profound and meaningful ways.

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