iii. Vision Quest

A vision quest is a spiritual practice that is found in various Indigenous cultures. It is a traditional rite of passage that involves going on a journey into the wilderness, typically alone, in order to gain a deeper understanding of oneself, one's place in the world, and one's spiritual path.

During a vision quest, the seeker typically fasts, meditates, and spends several days and nights alone in nature, often without food or water. The quester seeks to connect with the natural world, listen to the wisdom of the ancestors, and receive guidance and vision from the spiritual realm.

The vision quest is seen as a way of undergoing a personal transformation, shedding old patterns and beliefs, and gaining new insights and understandings. It is a way of connecting with one's own inner wisdom and intuition, and of finding one's place within the larger web of life.

Today, vision quests are sometimes used in contemporary spiritual practices and personal development programs, and have been adapted for people of different backgrounds and traditions. While the specifics of the vision quest may vary depending on the culture or tradition, the essence of the practice is one of seeking wisdom, connection, and spiritual growth.

Bar or Bat Mitzvah Quest

Before or by 15 years old, a child is required to spend 24 hours alone fasting in nature performing their vision quest. After the child completes their quest, they are to receive nourishment and prepare for a sacred fire ceremony where they will sit in holy communion with the medicine plants.

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