About Yeshua Ben Yosef

Did you know Jesus was a Rabbi?

Jesus Christ is commonly referred to as a rabbi in the New Testament of the Christian Bible. The term "rabbi" means "teacher" in Hebrew and was a title of respect given to Jewish teachers and scholars. Jesus was often addressed as "Rabbi" by his followers, and he taught in synagogues and other places of worship, using methods similar to those of other Jewish teachers of his time. However, it is worth noting that the specific role and title of "rabbi" as it is understood in contemporary Judaism is different from the use of the term in the time of Jesus.

Did you know Jesus taught Torah?

As recorded in the Christian Bible, Jesus Christ often referenced the Jewish Scriptures and taught from them, including the Torah. He affirmed the authority of the Torah and said that he had not come to abolish it, but to fulfill it.

In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus says, "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them" (Matthew 5:17).

Jesus also quoted from various books of the Torah, including Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy, in his teachings. However, it's important to note that Jesus' interpretation and application of the Torah differed in some respects from that of the religious authorities of his time.

The Lost Years of Christ

To understand the origins of the Torah of Christ, we have to go back to the Rabbi's lost years. The time between Jesus' birth and when he starts preaching around age 30 is virtually ignored in the four gospels. The main gap lies between the ages of 13 to 30.

People throughout history have wanted to know what Jesus did in those "lost years."

We know that Jesus has many years of his life accounted for in the Bible. Ancient manuscripts discovered in India may help us fill in the blanks. In the early 1900s, a Russian man traveled to India. While traveling, he broke his leg and was taken to the Hemis Monastery in Ladakh to heal. His name was Nicolos Notovich. He learned from the lamas that Jesus Christ had been to India, according to records in a manuscript preserved in the monastery's library. He had the manuscript brought to him and got it translated into Russian. He eventually wrote a book entitled The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ, discussing Christ's journey in India; sadly, when the manuscript came to the attention of the Catholic Church, they did everything in their power to bury the story. The Church used its political power to discredit and censor the book.

Swami Abhedananda, a disciple of Sri Ramakrishna and Founder of Ramakrishna Vedanta Math, heard of this legend and his curiosity drove him to visit the Hemis Monastery so he could verify for himself this hidden legend of Jesus. In 1987 he published his book Journey into Kashmir and Tibet. The head lama of the monastery informed him there are two copies of the manuscript on Issa (as he is known in the east) or Jesus Christ. The original manuscript is in the language of Pali. The manuscript in Himis has been translated from Pali to Tibetan. It consists of fourteen chapters and two hundred twenty-four couplets (slogans). The Swami got some portion of the manuscript translated with the help of the lama attending to him.

The Issa Manuscript

Noted from Chapter 12 of The Journey into Kashmir and Tibet are the given activities of Jesus Christ in India according to the Issa manuscript 32:

  • 10 Issa stepped into his thirteenth year by and by. According to the national custom of the Israelis, this is the right age for matrimony. His parents lived the life of humble folks

  • 11 Their humble cottage came to be crowded with people proud of wealth and pedigree. Each of them was eager to accept Issa as his son-in-law

  • 12 Issa was unwilling to marry. He had already earned fame through his expounding the true nature of God. At the proposal of marriage, he resolved to leave the house of his father in secret.

  • 13 At this time, his great desire was to achieve full realization of god-head and learn religion at the feet of those who have attained perfection through meditation

  • 1 At the age of fourteen, he (Jesus) crossed Sind and entered the holy land of the Aryans

  • 2 As he was passing all along through the land of the five rivers, his benign appearance, face radiating peace, and comely forehead attracted Jain devotees who knew him to be one who had received blessings from God Himself

  • 3 And they requested him to stay with them in their monastery. But he turned down their request; at this time, he did not like to accept anyone’s service

  • 4 in the course of time, he arrived at Jagannath Dham (puri), the abode of Vyasa Krishna, and became the disciple of the Brahmins. He endeared himself to all and learned how to read, understand and expound the Vedas.

  • After this, he went on a pilgrimage to Rajagriha, Benares, etc. This took six years, and then he started for Kapilavastu, where Buddha had been born. Then he spent six years in the company of Buddhist mendicants, where he mastered Pali to perfection and studied all the Buddhist Scriptures. From here, he went to Nepal and traveled to the Himalayan region. Then he went westwards. He came to Persia, the abode of Zoroastrians, from where his fame soon spread in all directions. Then he returned to his native land once again at the age of 29. After this, he started preaching his message of peace among his brethren suffering under oppression.

  • The Gospel of Luke (Luke 3:23) states that Jesus was "about 30 years of age" at the start of his ministry. A chronology of Jesus typically has the date of the start of his ministry, 11 September 26 AD; others have estimated at around AD 27–29 and the end in the range AD 30–36. This timeline matches up almost perfectly with the testimony from the Hemis Manuscript.

The Torah of Christ

Christ taught the Torah of Loving Kindness (chesed). He did not create a religion called Christianity. He came to redeem and fulfill the Torah as Moshiach to help his people: the jewish people, the Tribes of Yisrael.

  • As such I beseech my people, the jewish people: For the redemption of Tribes of Israel, the jewish people must connect with, learn about and accept the Torah of Jesus the Christ. G-d Bless Jesus.

  • Dear my Christian siblings: I encourage you to learn about this Torah of Chesed. As stated above Christ and his disciplies were Jewish, practiced Judaism and taught the highest form of the Torah. If you wish to connect with and follow in the footsteps of Christ, you will need to embrace the teachings of my people.

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