i. Holy Sabbath

The Sabbath


Preparation for Sabbath

  • The Sacred Fire

    • Wood is prepared for the sacred fire

    • Prayers are said over the wood

  • Sacred Sacraments

    • Sacraments are prepared for the Sabbath

      • Sacraments include all plants and natural substances given by El Elyon, HaShem that contain psychedelic properties.

    • Prayers and Icaros are said during the preparation of the Sacraments

  • Sacred Nourishment

    • Food is prepared for the Sabbath

    • Prayers are said during the preparation of the

  • Sacred Offerings

    • Flowers, oils, tobacco, cedar, and herbs are prepared as offerings to HaShem, mother nature, the sacred fire and all beings

  • Sacred Prayer Songs

    • A Sacred Drum is prepared for the ceremony. This drum is to have markings on it to honor the four directions

    • Sacred Instruments are prepared and cleansed for the ceremony.

The Sabbath

According to Jewish tradition, the Sabbath is a holy day of rest that occurs every week from sunset on Friday to nightfall on Saturday. The observance of the Sabbath is one of the Ten Commandments given to Moses on Mount Sinai, and it is considered a cornerstone of Jewish faith and practice.

The Sabbath is the time for Holy Communion with the Sacred Sacraments. This communion requires the following rituals:

  • The Sacred Fire Ceremony

    • A sacred fire is lit at sundown for the purpose of the ceremony

    • Sacred offerings are prepared and offered to the fire

    • Sacred prayers and Icaros are sung during the ceremony

    • Sacred sacraments are consumed for Holy Communion

      • Children are allowed to consume sacred sacraments at the choosing of their parents

  • Break Fast

    • At the conclusion of the ceremony, the fast is broken and the family is to rejoice in the bounty and blessing of nourishment.

  • End of Sabbath

    • A good practice to end the sabbath is through the ritualistic sweat lodge where we purify our bodies in preparation for the week ahead

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