vi. Parush Path

What is a Parushi?

In Jewish tradition, a "Parush" is someone who has chosen a life of extreme piety and self-denial in order to devote themselves fully to the study of Chesed Torah and the service of God.

How do I become a Parushi?

The term "Parushi" refers to a spiritual teacher or guide who has achieved a high level of realization and is considered to be a master of the teachings of the Torah. Becoming a Parush requires a combination of spiritual practice, study, and formal recognition by a lineage or community of practitioners.

Here are some general steps that a person might take to become a parush in the Chesed Torah tradition:

  1. Study and practice Chesed Torah: Before becoming a parush, one must first study and practice the teachings of the Chesed Torah. This typically involves reading texts, attending teachings and retreats, and engaging in various forms of meditation and other spiritual practices.

  2. Find a teacher: To become a parush, it is important to find a qualified teacher who can guide you in your spiritual practice and help you develop your understanding of the Parush teachings. Ideally, this teacher should be part of a recognized lineage or tradition.

  3. Receive ordination: In some cases, becoming a lama may involve receiving formal ordination as a monk or nun in the Chesed Torah tradition. This requires a commitment to following a strict code of ethical conduct and living a life of simplicity.

  4. Engage in forest training: Becoming a parush requires three years of living in the forest and in communion with nature. Before leaving for the forest there is a period of formal training and study within a monastic community or under the guidance of a senior teacher. This training may involve a combination of academic study, meditation practice, and service to the community.

  5. Receive Recognition: Ultimately, becoming a parush requires formal recognition by a lineage or community of practitioners. This recognition involves receiving a specific title, the breastplate of Solomon and being acknowledged as a spiritual leader and teacher within the community.

What does the Parush do?

The path of the Parush is to spread the teaching of Torah across the universe. They are responsible for caring for the sacred gardens and for the sacred temples. They are to lead High Holy Day ceremonies and may take on the responsibilities of conducting Sabbath ceremonies. The Parush are also trained in the ways of economic and business development. Their dedication to HaShem and to all the relatives of Earth means they are the natural stewards of the resources of the Kingdom. They are eligible to be elected by the Council of Am Yisrael which oversees the Kingdom of Yisrael.

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